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 Integro, a Latin root of the word “integrity,” means “to heal, refresh, renew, and balance.” With these concepts in mind, Integro Sports + Rehabilitation was established in 2002 by Dr. Lauren Elkind, who specializes in functional rehabilitation and myofascial soft tissue techniques.
Treatments include Active Release Technique, Graston Technique, and Cup Therapy to address soft tissue injury that results from repetitive stress injury as well as macrotrauma. Clients are referred to Integro by physicians, orthopedists, podiatrists, patients, and other chiropractors. 


Dr. Lauren Elkind, DC ART grew up in Orinda, attending Miramonte High and UC Berkeley.  She had a life changing injury while heading for law school that introduced her to the world of Active Release Technique (ART) and functional movement. Always interested in a service-oriented career, Dr. Elkind found herself rehabilitating her ankle on a Pilates reformer. After earning her certification in Pilates, Dr. Elkind began working with patients at the Center for Sportsmedicine in Walnut Creek. This prompted her to shift her studies to Life Chiropractic College West, where she graduated Magna Cum Laude in 2001. 

Dr. Elkind is certified in all classes of ART: spine, upper and lower extremities both level 1 and 2, nerve entrapment, complex protocols, as well as IRONMAN Performance Care Biomechanics.  She was selected to teach at ART seminars around the country. Dr. Elkind is also certified in both Functional Movement System (FMS) and Specific Functional Movement Assessment (SFMA) and uses them to diagnose and treat movement dysfunction. 

Dr. Elkind started her chiropractic career working mostly with age group and professional endurance athletes, including at IRONMAN world championship in Kona.  At those races, she assessed and treated the causes of movement inefficiencies and injury.  She also taught classes at a local health club. 


As Dr. Elkind’s practice grew, she was seeing as many students athletes as adults, with overtraining injuries. Finding injury prevention strategies inaccessible in most pediatric team sports, Dr. Elkind began to focus her education by pursuing her certification in developmental pediatric movement with the Prague School of Rehabilitation (DNS), alongside the certifications for adult movement assessment. Over the last 20 years, her patients have included both adult and student athletes at all levels in local area sports: cross-country, track, golf, tennis, pickleball, volleyball, basketball, swim, water polo, baseball, gymnastics, ballet, football and wrestling. 

Keiki’s job is to bring a feeling of warmth and comfort to the office and he excels at his work. His name means “little one” in Hawaiian.
Dr. Elkind chose him for his breed -- labradoodle -- because he is a small, hypoallergenic dog who is calm and comforting for patients who enjoy dogs, and warm but undemanding for patients who are not as interested in him. Labradoodles not only have hair instead of fur, making allergies a nonissue, but they are extremely friendly, relaxed and well adjusted.
Also, Keiki's sparkling puppy-dog eyes make him hard to resist.
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